The tide

…Is just that your body is full of water and there are some moments that tide happens. You feel a stir inside, things that can’t get comfortable and they want to get out, burst out. They wriggle inside you, they don’t calm down and you imprison them. Is just that everything is fine and simultaneously so wrong. You lose the line that separates the lie from the truth, the right from wrong, good from bad. The waves inside you move back and forth, up and down. Your body can’t stand it anymore. The waves are stronger and they insist. The gates of your eyes open and water starts to flow. Slowly, cautiously. Because you’ve lost the line, because you don’t know why. Your heart starts to beat so fast that it hurts, your muscles tighten and your eyes become wide open. The sea will overflow, will drift everything and you will let yourself to its movement, to its tide.

Serenity. It comes without asking. The sea brings it along. You can’t resist it. You let it run all over your body, take them all with it and then leave. And now you move rhythmically at the bottom of the sea, where nothing else moves. Where only serenity lives. The sea will do its job on its own, that’s its role anyways. To rinse you and finally leave you the sweet taste of silence.